Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's been a while!

I am back! My life has been pretty crazy lately. Work has been busy (not complaining about that) and I moved back to Indiana from Illinois. Since I have been making some good money work wise, Justin & I have decided to not rent anymore but move in with my parents and save money for a house.

So in the whole stressful moving process, I did not diet one bit. I stepped on the scale this morning to check out how much I have gained. I was 203 pounds. That's basically a 10 pound gain. I can deal with that.

I started back up this week with eating better & exercising. I've always really enjoyed jogging and it's been a dream of mine to be able to run long distances. So, I started up the "Couch to 5K" program this week. It gives you weekly workouts that build up your endurance & by the end of the program you should be capable of jogging 3 miles at a time without stopping.

I'm sick of giving myself weight loss goals. Because when I don't reach them quickly, I get discouraged. I'm going to tell myself to eat healthy & make sure I exercise. If the weight comes off as a result of that then it will be a plus.