Monday, June 13, 2011


Still at 195. Have been for 2 weeks now. Not really sure why. I eat fabulously! I'm going to try and remain patient & just stick to the plan. Maybe it needs a few weeks.

I've been as low as 189. Trying to get back there.

I need to start a food journal & write in it about what I ate, why I made those decisions and see if there is a pattern to what I am eating & when I am losing.

Today I ate:

1/2 an avocado on Ezekiel sprouted grain toast.
Medium decaf coffee w/ skim milk.
1 homemade strawberry mango popsicle (made with stevia & agave nectar)
1 sweet potato, 1 cup fresh green beans & a palm sized piece of pork loin.
handful of strawberries & a homemade strawberry grain sweetened chocolate flourless muffin.
cup of decaf while working w/ coconut milk & stevia. (More coffee today then I have had in a week)


I should of ate more meals today but my schedule was off. I woke up late, had a meeting around 2... so I didn't eat lunch. Had a popsicle snack instead- which isn't terrible since it is full of real strawberries and mangoes. I try and have one salad daily & skipped out on that today. More greens and fiber tomorrow!

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